ESApro V8 s.p.
Compatibility with AutoCAD 2020

ESApro PID – New functionalities for piping class managing tool  “Project Options” of ESApro P&ID now included an option that allows the user to choose whether to continue using the reduced classes, or directly use the 3D Piping module classes.

By choosing to manage the classes “from Piping environment”, now ESApro can use and directly modifying the Piping classes even if working in the ESApro P&ID environment.

All modules –  “Project Logs” The new palette “Project Logs” is now available in all ESApro modules.

This feature, specifically designed to further simplify team work, allows you to open a floating window in which all the operations on the database and on the drawings that can have an impact on the current project are shown in real time.

In the notifications area all the information relating to:

  • Type of action (addition, modification, cancellation);
  • Type of object modified (eg: Dimensional Table, Class, Drawing, Lines Table etc..);
  • Author, Date and Time of the action;
  • Any objects that have a direct relationship with the modified object (eg: any Classes or Related Drawings).

ESApro P&ID – “Check Drawing” command enhancement The “Check Drawing” command of ESApro P&ID has been enhanced, giving the possibility to choose which checks you want to perform, and adding new controls that check if:

  • the process lines are not connected (From / To presence);
  • there are some tags that are duplicated, ;
  • there are some unconnected or misaligned

Once the check has been completed, any errors are highlighted with symbols that show the number associated with that particular test .

ESApro P&ID – Instrumentation Standard

The possibility to define drawings representing “Instrumentation Standards” (Assembly) has been added. An Assembly represents a series of standard configurations of physical instruments which, for graphic simplicity, are preferred not to be represented in the P&ID diagram

These assemblies can be associated to physical instruments or equipment through the “Link standard” button in the “Object Properties” window.

Once the typical is associated to a graphic object, the tools contained will be counted exactly as if they had actually been drawn in the diagram, and receiving the main characteristics from the parent object (eg: Loop number, Service, Area, etc.)

ESApro 3DP/PID – Browser “Match with P&ID” and “Match with 3D Piping”

Two new commands have been added: “Match with P&ID” and “Match with 3D Piping” which open a browser that highlights the objects that are present in the scheme and does not have a reference through a system of colors (eg white, green, red) in the model or vice versa. During 3D modeling it is also possible to open a floating window that displays the P&ID scheme highlighting the objects that are still missing, or simply have different characteristics

For a general overview of the features consult the video:
ESApro Integrazione P&ID 3D Piping